Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results- projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in computing, communication and Automation. Interested authors are invited to submit full papers including results, figures and references. Papers will be accepted only by electronic submission through Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers of not more than six (6) pages, including results, figures, and references, in standard IEEE double-column format. Submission is through the conference website, and you must adhere to the guidelines available on the website. Paper shall be accepted as per the guidelines of IEEE. All accepted & presented papers of the conference by duly registered authors will be submitted to IEEE Xplore for publication and will be Scopus-indexed. Authors need to submit the full final paper (Maximum 6 pages, double-column A4 size) as PDF using the IEEE templates (IEEE - Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings Extra pages beyond this would require additional page length charges. The additional payment required for extra pages is Rs.2000/page for Indian authors of all categories and USD 40/page for all categories of foreign authors
I3CEET-2024 takes plagiarism very seriously and regards plagiarism as a professional misconduct. Papers will be screened for plagiarism and when identified the paper will be rejected.
I3CEET-2024 conference organizers have zero tolerance against plagiarism and paper formatting as per IEEE template. If the author is found violating registration guidelines and instructions provided from time to time at any stage during publication the registration of the paper will be canceled.
Transfer of e-copyright and presenting paper in conference is mandatory.
Corresponding authors (as per CMT) keep checking their email regularly (including spam) in this regard and for supplying any other desired information on time.
Registration fee once paid is non refundable.